It's amazing what seven seasons of a show can do to you. Most, if not all of us, were grossed out by Cersei and Jaime Lannister's incestuous relationship. However, now people are openly rooting for Jon Snow and Daenerys Stormborn to get it on, despite the fact that they're related.
Ever since meeting one another earlier in the season, Jon and Dany have slowly but surely crushing on each other. Much to the amusement of Tormund, and no doubt the despair of Jorrah Mormont.

Now a sexy photoshoot of the pair, shot for Rolling Stone way back in 2012, has gone viral. Shipping Jon and Dany before it was a thing, the photoshoot sees the pair frolicking around in a field and even sharing a kiss.
While it's true that IRL Kit Harington is going out with his former GoT co-star Rose Leslie (aka Ygritte) it's hard not to feel the chemistry between Kit and Emilia in the photos.
From the super cute on-set photos of the two of them it looks like they're still pretty good friends, and only time will tell if their characters will actually hook up. By the looks of their last interaction, after escaping the white walker attack things could start to heat up.
You can catch the finale of season seven on HBO on 27 August.
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