Let us take a review of the 42 gay guys arrested in Lagos. We are told that 42 persons were arrested, though the breakdown gives 28 adults and 12 minors, giving a total of 40. The 12 minors, who have remained unnamed, are presumably below the age of 18. Of these 40, the minors make up 30%. To put these into words, one out of every three in this group was a child who should have had no business being there.
As for the ‘adults’, the maximum age is 32, which is a reasonable age for a grown and mature man. However, the minimum age is, predictably, 18. More striking is the fact that of these 28 adults, the average age
is 21.
If we are being honest, the average 21-year-old is still a very young person who has arguably not attained all of the education and exposure required for the rapidly evolving society we have today. Unless he plays football in a European League or has featured Wizkid or Davido to make a hit song, the average 21-year-old boy in Nigeria still depends on his parents for choices.
More to the point, though, is the striking number of teens in this group. Most of the 28 adults are just 19 years of age – seven to be precise. If you add these to the three 18-year-olds and the 12 minors, it amounts to 22 teenagers in a group of 40 young men. Of the remaining 18, the oldest consist of one who is 32, two are 30, and one is 28.
The one-count charge so far is that of engaging in homosexuality, but maybe there should be further investigations into other allied offences. A gathering of people for sexual acts where more than half are teenagers should not be easily passed over.
There could be an intention to groom young men on a particular way of life here and questioning this does not have to be held back under the guise of non-interference with personal choices.
We are talking about one in three of those men being a child.
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